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Multiculturalism and Its Debates that Affect the Parenting Process
Multiculturalism consists of policies that promote cultural diversity. It guides people to respect various cultures. Also, it creates coordination between different religious or ethnic groups. Multiculturalism teaches children to communicate with various racial communities. However, in early age children can face challenges coping with multicultural societies. Moreover, it can affect a child in his or her early school days. Hence, teachers and parents should guide their children to respect diverse communities (Martin, Costello, & Simmons, 2008). The following paper analyzes multiculturalism and its debates that affect the parenting process. Also, it discusses the methods that help to create positive relationship with parents.
Multiculturalism has various effects on societies. Some cultures encourage it and people believe it creates multicultural diversity. On the other hand, some communities consider that it undermines local cultures and social cohesion. Also, some western countries believe that multiculturalism creates chaos and violence. However, these confusions affect parenting and child care process. In a multicultural society, children always meet people with various cultural backgrounds. For example, in the United States, students often meet multicultural classmates, whose culture they may sometimes like to follow. On the other hand, some children may have confusions about unique cultures. Moreover, such confusions or misunderstandings may lead to psychological disorders in a child, as well as induce hideous behaviors at school. Experts believe that teachers and parents may face various challenges teaching children about the rituals and practices of different cultures. Studies show that children acquire most of their behavior patterns at home.
Some parents may make intensive remarks about minority groups or cultures, as well as argue or debate with others about the topic. However, such arguments can inflict psychological effects on a child. Besides, children follow their parents and they become ignorant about cultural exchanges (Martin, Costello, & Simmons, 2008). The NYU Child Study Center considers that parents should prepare their children for a multicultural world. They should not involve themselves in multicultural debates in front of a small child.
Furthermore, the child expert Dr. Harold Koplewicz suggests that parents should talk with their children about diverse cultures (NYU Child Study Center, 2010). Such discussions help children to improve their relationship with multicultural students at school or other public settings.
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Moreover, experts believe that positive experiences in early childhood help children design their future. Therefore, teachers and parents should guide their children to improve their cultural understanding. Usually, children develop their ideas about races and cultures between the ages of three and seven. Hence, parents should apply effective upbringing styles to improve the lives of their offspring (NYU Child Study Center, 2010). Child experts Martin, Costello and Simmons (2008) consider that multicultural parenting issues can lead to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in a child. Also, it can induce unwanted fears and depression in a child in a multicultural society. For example, in the United Kingdom, children can face cultural differences in their regular lives and may become the victims of OCD. Therefore, parents should design efficient parenting models that would guide children to understand multiculturalism (NYU Child Study Center, 2010).
Studies show that multicultural debates may encourage antisocial and violent behavior patterns in children causing them to consider themselves superior or inferior at school due to the racial background. Therefore, teachers should create a specific environment at school, which would help children feel that all students are equal. Moreover, pedagogues should discuss multicultural issues with parents and counsel them on the effective parenting models that may develop children’s mind (Martin, Costello, & Simmons, 2008).
Research shows that the specific parenting styles improve children’s behavior at school. Also, they guide them to respect or appreciate culturally diverse students. First of all, parents can follow authoritarian style. In this style, parents can reflect general or particular cultural models that are not challenging and easy for children to follow. Moreover, children can make few choices of their own. If they do not obey these rules, then teachers and parents can take minor punitive measures. Secondly, the permissive parenting style is more flexible for children as it creates little boundaries and grants children with independence to make their own choices. Experts consider that permissive style teaches children to take their own decisions in future life. Thirdly, the authoritative parenting style guides parents to set rules, but it allows them to make a flexible relationship (Martin, Costello, & Simmons, 2008).
According to the child expert Dr. Chansky, in multiculturalism parents often face challenges while creating an effective childcare process, thus causing the development of OCD in their offspring. Therefore, Chansky suggests that parents follow the authoritative childcare model for children’s psychological and cultural development. Experts believe that the model creates most workable environment between children and parents. Research also shows that a child needs more encouragement, than strict rules. Hence, parents should provide autonomy or freedom to a child to take independent decision. Furthermore, Dr. Chansky considers that parents should not direct their children; instead they should monitor their acts and analyze their mistakes, especially in a multicultural society in order to prepare authoritative models to improve their behavior in society (Martin, Costello, & Simmons, 2008). Furthermore, parents should accept help from teachers to learn more about their child’s behavior at school, and thus develop the effective childcare process in a multicultural society (NYU Child Study Center, 2010).
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Building Positive Relationships with Parents
Teacher and parents’ positive relationship helps to enhance the academic achievements of a child. Also, such relationship guides teachers to understand the weaknesses of a child. Sometimes, teachers feel challenges understanding the feelings of a student. In such situation, they should talk with the parents to solve the issue at hand. Moreover, some children may experience psychological issues due to the domestic problems; consequently, teacher and parents’ positive relationship guides teacher to take further actions (Williams, n.d.). According to the teaching expert Kechia Williams (n.d.), teachers should use some specific techniques to build relationship with parents.
Registration Process
Teachers should meet parents during the registration process at school. Such meetings help teachers build a relationship with parents, as well as encourage them to know more about the students and their weakness. Teachers should try to create welcoming environment during this meeting, offer teaching schedules, and exchange phone numbers or email addresses with parents (Williams, n.d.).
Student Information Sheet
Teachers should prepare student information sheets that include basic information: full names of parents, house address, contact numbers and email address During the first lesson, pedagogues should distribute them to students and, when returned, keep a copy of information sheet with them, which can help them locate students if they are absent for a long time. Moreover, teachers spend a lot of time communicating with many parents; therefore a contact log on the back side of information sheet could be of a great value in order to note the short summary of their conversations. Furthermore, such information becomes helpful during parent conferences (Williams, n.d.).
Parent Surveys
After two or three weeks of new semester, teachers should send parent survey sheets that should include questions about their children. For example, what are the strengths and weakness of their child, what does the child like to do in his or her free time and what are their hobbies. This information helps teachers learn more about the students’ personality. In addition, most of the parents appreciate such surveys, because they help make teacher and parents’ relationship stronger (Williams, n.d.).
Open House Special Events
Schools should organize open house special events for parents. Teachers and students can prepare together to invite the parents. In this event, families can exchange their points of view with each other; the teachers can create some PowerPoint slides, which may include specific information, such as parents’ expectations from the school and teachers, school rules and regulations that the guardians support or oppose. Consequently, parents and teachers can discuss all these questions in that event to improve overall relationship (Williams, n.d.).
Utilization of Technology
Currently, teachers and parents need to spend long hours at work that deprives them of the possibility to discuss children’s issues practically. Therefore, school authorities should create website, parent portal or hotlines to deliver students’ grades and other regular information via computer. Moreover, some parents’ online forum can help families discuss their ideas about specific lessons or school events. Furthermore, school authorities can add pictures or videos of various events that can attract viewers. Besides, teachers can use publishing pamphlets to create traditional newsletters for parents, as well as email project or assignment details to parents before long holidays. This process can guide both children and parents to recognize their tasks (Williams, n.d.).
Open Door Teaching Policy
Open door teaching policy helps parents understand more about their children’s performance in classroom. Sometimes, parents may feel hesitant to voluntarily attend their offspring at school; therefore, teachers should invite parents to take part in some classes. Moreover, teachers may not notice the whole class constantly. However, the open door teaching policy can help parents observe their children in the classroom setting (Williams, n.d.).
Discussion Evening
Teachers should organize a discussion event in each semester. They can choose an evening for parents to discuss their issues with children or even invite child experts that may give counsel regarding the issues at hand. Furthermore, teachers can introduce discussion topics, such as children’s conduct, behavior and potential, which may encourage parents to improve their parenting styles. Thus, teachers can improve positive relationship with parents (Williams, n.d.).
In conclusion, multiculturalism teaches people to live in peace and harmony as it guides people to respect diverse cultures. A child acquires his or her initial multicultural understandings at home. Therefore, parents should teach children to love and respect different cultures. Moreover, some parents may express intensive remarks about some minority groups or debate with others about a specific community. As a result, children may develop an ignorant behavior towards diverse cultures displaying disrespectful attitude towards students of different race. Hence, parents should not show disrespectful behavior for foreign cultures. Also, they can follow specific parenting models that can guide them to improve their relationship with children. Moreover, parents should discuss their parenting issues with teachers and other child experts that may help parents create innovative ideas of upbringing. In addition, teachers should establish positive relations with parents who may assist them in obtaining deeper insight into their students’ personalities. The establishment of positive teacher and parents’ relationship presupposes the employment of several methods. The registration process for new students may give pedagogues the opportunity to get acquainted with parents.
Furthermore, they can create student information sheet to obtain basic information about a child’s family. Also, teachers can use school website, parent portals and other online forums to discuss various issues caused by children, as well as parent surveys and open house special events that may positively affect parents’ interaction with teachers. Therefore, teachers can create a positive relationship with parents and students.