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Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is an orphan raised by Mrs. Reed. It is unfortunate to note that the parents of Jane Eyre left her at the tender age. Mrs. Reed is characterized by brutality; and she has considerable amount of wealth. A servant of Mrs. Reed by the name Bessie accords Jane Eyre some compassion. The kindness is done in the form of stories and songs. A Cousin by the name John Reed is constantly bullying with Jane Eyre. One day, the bullying led to Jane Eyre being imprisoned in the same room that Uncle Reed passed on some years back. Jane Eyre sees her uncle daring spirits and screams for help, at one point she got fainted. When she gets back to her senses, she finds herself in the hands of Bessie the servant and Mr. Lloyd the apothecary.
The heath officer has the opinion that Jane Eyre should be sent to school to learn with other students. Jane Eyre joins Lowood School. The challenge at school is that the headmaster Mr. Blocklehurst had been advised that Jane Eyre is an ill mannered girl by her aunt Mrs. Reed. This makes the headmaster cruel, hypocritical and offensive in nature. The headmaster is characterized by living in a wealthy lifestyle while preaching poverty to the students. This is an irony in the book (Bronte Para 2).
There are a number of themes in the work of Jane Eyre. Love and Autonomy are the dominant themes. Jane Eyre is after love and personal independence in the book. She continued to serve for value, belonging and romantic love. Jane was ready to hurt herself in order to achieve love. This is seen when she confirmed to Helen Burns that she could extend her affection and let her arm broken in search of love. She continues to state that she could let a bull toss her or stand behind a kicking horse all in search of love. Jane continued to deny the marriage proposal to Rochester for fearing to lose personal independence. She believed that marrying Rochester while still legally married to Bertha meant that she could jeopardize her integrity and moral standing.
Jane Eyre finds teaching the poor at the Moor’s house and enjoys economic independence. She finds lacking emotional sustenance in the Moor’s house. Jane disagrees to marry St. John because she had no emotional touch to the person. The marriage could have remained frigid compromising emotional independence. Jane asserts that marriage is usually between two equal partners. Religion is a principal theme in the book. Jane struggles to find the right balance between moral duty and the earthly pleasures. She finds herself confused on her spirit and the body (Warner Para 2).
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The religious figures in the book are Mr. Blocklehurst, Helen Burns and St. John Rivers. The three region symbols have a model of religion that Jane Eyre rejects as she establishes her faith and prosperity in life. Jane identifies that religion helps her curb the immoderate passions; and she believes in her full self awareness, and complete faith in God. Social class is a leading theme in the novel Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is against the England Hierarchical social status.
The employees were treated as servants. Social class differences are readily seen in the book chapter 23. Jane Eyre asks Rochester if he thinks because she has no money she is soulless and heartless. She continues to assert that all people are equal. A gender relation is a theme in the book. Jane struggles to continually achieve equality, and do away with tyranny. Jane is determined to fight the hierarchical class and the gender inequalities (Warner Para 3).
Women are not inferior to me. All people are equal, and this applies that gender should not introduce any divisions. There is a motif of fire and ice surface all through the book (Eyre Para 4). Fire represents Jane’s passions, anger and spirit while ice represents oppressive forces trying to extinguish Jane Ryre motives. Fire is a metaphor as it is associated with brightness and warmth. The motif of substitute mother is evident in Jane Eyre. Jane encounters a number of strong women and has nurturing characters. Jane finds comfort and guidance in a number of women.
Women in the book serve as Mother Nature’s to the orphaned Jane. Bertha Mason is a symbol of complexity in Jane. She nurtures Jane’s development as well as self understanding. Bertha reflects uncertainty; and terror in the novel. Bertha is a strong woman who plays a crucial role in the book. The red room characterizes what Jane has to overcome to fulfill her desires. Jane is after freedom, happiness and a sense of belonging. Jane experiences exile and captivity in her early years of life.
Jane is determined to live a straight life with equality of men and women. The freedom of self expression is threatened. Jane Eyre finds a friend called Helen Burns at the Lowood School. The two get along well despite the many odds in school. Unfortunately, a massive typhus epidemic kills Helen Burns. This epidemic saw the headmaster Mr. Blocklehurst leave the school due to deteriorating conditions. Jane’s life takes a different lifestyle after the school management is taken over by a man who is reasonable and more considerate. This makes her spend eight years at the Lowood School, six years in student life and two years as a tutor in the same school.
Jane takes up a job position with a wealthy manor called Thornfield. She teaches a French lady called Adele. The house keeper at Thornfield estates is called Mrs. Fairfax. Rochester was the lord in the Thornfield manor. Jane Eyre finds herself in a love triangle with Rochester. A fire started by a drunken servant Grace Poole almost consumed Rochester; but Jane Eyre acted on time and saved the life of Rochester. A moment that distracted Jane Eyre arose; when Rochester came home one day with a beautiful young lady named Bronche Ingram. This created a moment of tension in that Rochester proposed marriage to Jane Eyre instead to Bronche Ingram. The wedding was prepared and on the material day of marriage.
Mr. Mason a brother to Rochester’s wife indicated that Rochester already had a wife and that the purported union was illegal. The initial wife to Rochester is called Bertha. Mr Mason continued to assert that Bertha was married back in Jamaica and later got mad. It is eventually realized that Grace Poole is paid to keep Bertha under control due to insanity. Jane Eyre realizes that the mysterious fire was started by Bertha and not Grace Poole. Jane flees Thornfield on recognition of the truth in Rochester’s life. Escape from Thornfield led Jane Eyre spend hungry outdoors. This catches the attention of three siblings who houses her. The three are Mary, Diana and St. John (Sinjin) Rivers.
Jane Eyre becomes friends with St. John who is a clergyman. St John went ahead and found a job for Jane as a teacher in a charity school, in Morton. Jane Eyre was surprised when she was told that the uncle to Jane rye left a fortune of 20,000 pounds. Jane realizes that the clergyman and she were related. It came to light that Jane and Rivers’ are cousins. Jane shared the fortune with the three newfound relatives. St. John on a missionary mission to India proposed an accompaniment of Jane Eyre as his wife. Jane agrees but refuses to be introduced as the wife. Jane does not love St. John and the fact that they are relatives does not auger well to marriage. Jane loved Rochester and the voice of Rochester kept coming to his thoughts. She once went to Thornfield, and found the place was burnt down by Berta Mason who lost her life in the fire. Rochester lost the vision and one of the hands as a result of the fire. Fortunately, he had saved the servants. Jane Eyre travelled to Thornfield new residence named Ferdean and lived with two servants named John and Mary.
The relationship between Rochester and Jane Eyre became enthusiastic and the two married. The marriage life went along well for many years. Rochester regained sight in one eye, and they got blessed with a baby boy. Jane Eyre reflects a well informed and honest lady. This is in line that she kept up with the oppression at a tender age. She also faced prejudice and misery in life. Jane Eyre is an individual who respected her moral standing. She comes along many men proposing to her, but she in way wins the war. In the book, she stands out as a person practicing justice, human dignity and morality (Warner Para 4).
The publication identifies Jane with intellectual and emotional fulfillment in values. Jane Eyre finds struggling with gender and poverty. She believes that social equality should prevail in the society. Edward Rochester was the Jane Eyre’s employer at Thornfield. Rochester was wealthy and a passionate man (Eyre Para 4). Rochester is characterized with a dark specter. He could have told Jane Eyre that he had a wife before proposing to her. Rochester was also involved in number of ladies indicating that he held a number of secretes in place.
Rochester interacted with Jane freely despite the public opinion. The book displays him as brave and a man of decisiveness. The fact that Bertha is mad indicates that their marriage history may have many hidden characteristics and traits. St. John Rivers, Mary and Diana are cousins to Jane Eyre. The three are considered humane because they housed Jane Eyre after she fled from the Thornfield. St John finds loving Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre does not love St. John at all. The two were cousins and could not have married. St. John is a man of moral standing. He held money that the uncle had left; and bestowed it to the person that the uncle had selected. Mrs. Reed is characterized by cruelty in the book. Jane went to school at a late stage of ten years (Warner Para 5).
The aunt had kept her at Gateshead Hall for all these years without sending her to school. The health officer Mr. Lloyd played a crucial role in letting Jane Eyre attend school. The fact that Jane Eyre was an orphan did not change the attitude of Mrs. Reed towards Jane Eyre. The book continued to assert that the reason behind the hatred originated from the fact that the uncle to Jane loved her more than her children. Jane attempts to reconcile the relationship but the Mrs. Reed is not ready to resolve past issues. Bessie Lee plays a significant role in the book; she is the only figure in Jane’s childhood who treated her kindly. She told Jane stories and sang songs.
Bessie married Robert Leaven the Reed’s coachman. Mr. Lloyd was the health worker. He suggested Jane Eyre to be taken to school. There are other characters in the novel that display significant parts in the book namely; Georgina Reed, Eliza Reed, John Reed, Helen Burns, Mr. Blocklehurst, Maria Temple, miss Scatcherd, Alice Fairfax, Bertha Mason, Grace Poole, Adele Varens, Celine Varens, Sophie, Richard Mason, Mr. Briggs, Blanche Ingram, Diana Rivers, Mary Rivers, Rasamond Oliver, John Eyre and uncle Leed (Warner Para 3).